GEOTEC Office, a package for geotechnical engineering including the following software: ELPLA BOHR TIEF GeoTools Self-Adaptive Mesh Wizard Geotec-Text
This spreadsheet performs shallow foundation design using data from the Standard Penetration Test. Various methods are used for the bearing capacity criterion and the settlement criterion (serviceability). The program was developed as part...
Mat3D is a general multi-pier mat foundation analysis/design tool for soil or pile supported foundations. It has the following features: Allows multiple system of units for input and output - English, Metric and SI Supports ACI 318 a...
A few highlights of the new version: Updated for compatibility with Windows 8. Detached network licensing option: install PROKON locally and bind it to a network license. Expanded design code support, including ACI 318 - 2011, AS 3600 - 2009 and CS...
MFoundation is a tool for code-based design and verification of bearing piles, tension piles and shallow foundations. For pile design it requires input data from Cone Penetration Tests (CPT). In addition to manual input, it can import data in GEF and...
2D & 3D finite element package for tunnel analysis. More than 20 years of continuous development and validation has resulted in CESAR-LCPC becoming the acknowledged reference tool in the field. Its intuitive and highly interactive graphical inte...
OptumG2 is a finite element program featuring many analysis types including elastoplastic deformation analysis, seepage, and staged construction analysis. It provides full integration of limit, elastoplastic and seepage analysis, providing an ideal p...
Foundation3D is a spread and combined footing analysis/design tool for soil or pile supported foundations for industrial equipment such as horizontal exchanger, horizontal vessel, vertical vessel or tower, pipe racks and other miscellaneous plant des...
StoneC is a software that performs design calculations of vibro replacement. Vibro replacement is an accepted method for subsoil improvement, that is achieved with the installation of large columns of coarse backfill material in the ground, using sp...
FOXTA is a program for the design of shallow foundations, deep foundations, pile groups, piled-raft foundations, rigid inclusions, etc. It is composed of 8 modules: shallow and deep foundations, oedometric settlement of a multi-layered soil, pile axi...
BearCap is a bearing capacity analysis program with the following features: Both types of factor of safety (load and shear strength) can be used; Eccentric and inclined loadings are considered; Variable ground water table level, different side and fo...
With BETONexpress you can easily design structural elements of reinforced concrete. For each structural element, you specify the basic dimensions, loads and material properties, and you obtain the detailed concrete design in ultimate limit state (ULS...
DynaN carries out the dynamic analysis of shallow and deep foundations based on the improved Novak's method where a non-reflective boundary is formed between the near field and the far field to account for the mass of soil in the boundary. The progra...
FB-Deep is a program that estimates the static axial capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles. The program also features connectivity to the FDOT Geotechnical Database, where soil data can be uploaded and downloaded. Drilled shaft methodology is b...
DIADIM is used for the design of flexible retaining structures such as concrete diaphragm walls, beam bulkheads, sheet piles and concrete piles using a finite element method to model the soil-structure interaction. The deformability of the ground is...