Features: Sliding and overturning analysis. Overall stability analysis. Foundation pressures. Distributed loading and seismic action. Safety factor coefficients. The methods used for design checks include the Limit Equilibrium, Ran...
Design of diaphragm and sheet pile walls In The Netherlands, an extensive design procedure for sheet pile walls has been developed. Besides the partial safety factor concept of the Eurocode 7, the Dutch National Annex offers a clear step-by-step d...
KeyWall is Keystone's design software that enables engineers to perform calculations that formerly required a full day of hand calculations to be accomplished in a matter of seconds. This unique proprietary software allows the engineer to analyze...
Windows® programme for a realistic evaluation of deformations of foundation soil and retaining wall during the analysis of serviceability. The interaction of foundation soil and excavation safety is collected via a high-quality calculation model....
Key points of K-REA V3 checks according to the french standard NF P 94-282 (french application standard of Eurocode 7 for retaining structures) calculations of double and rear walls user-friendly interface (Windows©), for data input an...
Analysis of a sheet pile wall in a layered soil, with multiple anchors. Soil response modeled by a series of elast-plastic springs. Includes a users manual, and theoretical background.
Main novelties : Version 4.20 Homogeneous consideration of the Eurocodes 7 and its French adaptation NF P94 282 Windows 8 32/64 bits compatible Version 4.12.01 Interfaced with AUTOCAD in output ...
MSEW(3.0) is an interactive program for the design and analysis of mechanically stabilized earth walls. It follows the design guidelines of AASHTO98/Demo 82, AASHTO02/FHWA-NHI-00-043, AASHTO 2007-2010, or NCMA97/98. Note that AASHTO98/02 is based on...
The WASP program is a stand-alone application designed to operate on Windows XP and Windows Vista, and generally also older versions of Windows 95. WASP-Windows-Setup.exe unpacks the required files, performs all necessary setup, and c...
OptumG2 is a finite element program featuring many analysis types including elastoplastic deformation analysis, seepage, and staged construction analysis. It provides full integration of limit, elastoplastic and seepage analysis, providing an ideal p...
GEOSPAR can size the facing walls nailed to determine the thickness of the concrete projected position and the section reinforcement layers and the position and dimensions of the support plates. The forces are calculated by solving the plate equatio...
TRENCH 2012 is a user friendly, affordable, and versatile software program that evaluates the stability of slurry supported trenches and panels for 2D and 3D analyses. With TRENCH analyze n a few minutes what would take hours to do by hand. Tre...
Key Features Scope Cantilever walls Anchored walls Strutted excavations Sheet pile walls RC Diaphragm walls Soldier (King) Pile walls Hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic water pressures. Automatic water pressure balancing option Uni...
SNAILZ is a program for Soil Nail reinforced slope analysis. Features: Seven soil layer system. Layers can be inclined but cannot cross within prescribed search limits. Multiple slope angles (including two slopes below wall). Piezometr...
ReCon Retaining Walls prides itself in using its knowledge and experience to deliver Solutions and Value to its retaining wall customers.