Soil Dynamics Software

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Showing 1 to 15 of 47 entries

ISADAB (Inelastic Static and Dynamic Analysis of Bridges) was developed for the transverse inelastic analysis of reinforced concrete highway bridges. The following tasks can be carried out by the program: (a) static analysis, (b) free-vibration analy...


Nonlinear Earthquake Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams. ADAP-88 is a finite element analysis program for computing the earthquake response of arch dams including the nonlinear effect of contraction joint opening. The nonlinear joint elements are combine...


Earthquake Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams Including Base Sliding. EAGD-SLIDE evaluates the earthquake response of concrete gravity dams, including sliding at the interface between the base of the dam and the foundation rock surface. The earthquake...


Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis. FLUSH is a development of the complex response finite element program LUSH for seismic soil-structure interaction analysis. It includes the following features: 1. Plane strain quadrilateral elements for mo...


Three-Dimensional Earthquake Analysis of Concrete Dams. EACD-3D-96 implements an analytical procedure for the 3D analysis of earthquake response of concrete dams including the effects of dam-water interaction, water compressibility, and reservoir bou...


LUSH2 is a program for Complex Response Analysis of Soil-Structures Systems by the Finite Element Method. The program finds the complete response of a plane finite element model representing a soil-structure system. The program differs from more conv...


Dynamic Analysis of Bridge/Abutment/Backfill Systems Subjected to Traveling Seismic Waves. BASSIN computes the 3D dynamic response of an arbitrarily configured, elastic, bridge/abutment/backfill system. It assumes this system to be underlain by a soi...


D-MOD2000 is a one-dimensional nonlinear effective-stress site response analysis computer program, i.e., a computer program that allows for the time-dependent generation of porewater pressure and accounts for its effects on soil stiffness and strengt...


1D Site Response Analysis Strata is an open-source, equivalent-linear site response program. Input motions may be specified using time series or the random vibration theory (RVT) approach. Site properties (i.e., shear wave velocity, modulus&n...


The Rankine classic earth pressure solution has been expanded for the calculation of seismic earth pressure on rigid retaining walls supporting c-Φ phi backfill. The expanded solution is based on the conjugate stress concept, without employing an...


DEEPSOIL is a 1D site response analysis program with graphical user-interface that can perform both: 1D Nonlinear analysis 1D Equivalent linear analysis


SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake accelerograms to match a specific target response spectrum, using the wavelets algorithm proposed by Abrahamson [1992] and Hancock et al. [2006]. Some of its features are: Simultaneo...


Liquefaction of loose saturated cohesionless soils under the effect of strong ground motion, is one of the most complex topic that the Geotechnical Earthquake Engineer can face. LiqIT is a software for the assessment of soil liquefaction potential b...


SeismoSpect constitutes a simple and efficient platform that allows to create a personal library of ground motion records and save them all in a single file making it easy to handle and share large numbers of records. Some of its features are:...


Spreadsheet for the Calculation of Earthquake Induced Deviatoric Slope Displacements. The spreadsheet calculates the Earthquake Induced Deviatoric Slope Displacements using the Bray and Travasarou (2007) methodology.