Input data: SAF, Seg2 and ASCII recording. Processing methods: theoretical spectrum by Arai e Tokimatsu (2004); processing of surface waves by propagator matrix method [Thomson(1950) and Haskell (1953), reformulated by Dunkin (1965)...
PROGRAM GEO'S ANNUAL LICENSE. What’s the Program Geo's annual license? It is a license which allows the Customer to use for a whole year, since its activation and without limits, our software package, including all the programs li...
DIANA (Displacement Analyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package with dedicated features for geotechnical engineering. The program provides a wide range of state-of-the-art constitutive models for tackling soil a...
MacRay is a general purpose two-dimensional seismic ray-tracer for Macintosh. Originally written to trace rays through 2-dimensional p-wave models, MacRay has grown to support 2-d models defined in Vp, Vs and density. In addition to being able to mod...
A software suite of D-MOD2000, SHAKE2000 & RspMatchEDTThis suite includes one license each of SHAKE2000, a computer program for the 1-D equivalent linear analysis of earthquake response analysis of horizontally layered soil deposits; D-MOD2000, a...
Graizer-Kalkan (2015) ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) is designed to predict peak-ground acceleration and 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration response ordinates for shallow-crustal continental earthquakes to be used in earthquake-engineer...
HYPOINVERSE2000 determines earthquake locations and magnitudes from seismic network data like first-arrival P and S arrival times, amplitudes and coda durations. The present versions HYPOINVERSE2000 (version 1.2 or 1.3) are in routine use by many net...