OptumG2 is a finite element program featuring many analysis types including elastoplastic deformation analysis, seepage, and staged construction analysis. It provides full integration of limit, elastoplastic and seepage analysis, providing an ideal p...
The HYDROTHERM computer program simulates multi-phase ground-water flow and associated thermal energy transport in three dimensions. It can handle high fluid pressures, up to 1 x 10 9 Pa (10 4 atm), and high temperatures, up to 1,200 °C. This rep...
Like AnAqSim, but single layer, steady, and a limited number of equations in system
GTS NX is finite element analysis software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil and rock deformation and stability, as well as groundwater flow, dynamic vibrations and soil-structure interaction in 2D and 3D.GTS NX is used for analysis, testing...
When you are tasked with complex topography and geo-strata, PLAXIS 3D is the software tool to perform accurate three-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide for sur...
Plan with trusted information. Import geotechnical information digitally faster for better data drive decisions and advanced interoperability for fast and efficient 3D model creation. Analyze with sound computation. Take advantage of finite elem...
GEO5 is an intuitive software suite providing a solution for the majority of geological & geotechnical tasks. From geological site investigation, subbase model creation up to a wide range of analyses such as slope stability, deep excavation, and...
Slide2 (formerly “Slide”) is a 2D slope stability program for evaluating the safety factor or probability of failure, of circular and non-circular failure surfaces in soil or rock slopes. Slide2 is simple to use, and yet complex models ca...
We all know that taking groundwater flow into account in your geotechnical, environmental, and hydrological engineering projects is critical. Go beyond the default options of steady-state groundwater flow analysis of PLAXIS, with the PLAXIS 2D PlaxFl...
Project teams and their requirements can vary. PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite integrates the powerful and user-friendly finite element and limit equilibrium analysis capabilities of PLAXIS applications for the design and analysis of soil, rock, and associated...
RS2 (Phase2 9.0) is a powerful 2D finite element program for soil and rock applications (RS2 = Rock and Soil 2-dimensional analysis program). RS2 can be used for a wide range of engineering projects and includes excavation design, slope stability, gr...
PROGRAM GEO'S ANNUAL LICENSE. What’s the Program Geo's annual license? It is a license which allows the Customer to use for a whole year, since its activation and without limits, our software package, including all the programs li...
DIANA (Displacement Analyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package with dedicated features for geotechnical engineering. The program provides a wide range of state-of-the-art constitutive models for tackling soil a...
A professional grade GIS software development kit (SDK) used by customers in a wide range of industries to develop custom GIS applications or add geospatial functionality to existing products. SDK editions are compiled natively for the Delphi/C++Bui...
AnsRadial is a simple tool for 2D radial groundwater flow simulations in multi-layer aquifer systems. Details:The module is used for numerical modelling of pumping tests from a radial aquifer. The pumping well can be partially s...