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Foundations, Structural Systems Analysis


ADAPT-MAT 2012 (build 2 released November 2013) is a versatile three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element (FEM) Analysis and Design software for any configuration of conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned foundation system. It can model, analyze and design any combination of two-way mat (raft) slabs, individual footings, pile caps or grade beams. Areas of the foundation can be supported by soil springs with different stiffness or discrete point (pile) supports. ADAPT-MAT carries out required code checks and calculates required reinforcement . Models are quickly and easily generated by importing and automatically converting a DWG/DWF file, by extracting smart BIM objects from a Revit Structure model, or by using ADAPT's native modeling tools.

ADAPT-MAT can run as a stand-alone application or together with ADAPT-Edge to provide fully integrated structural analysis results for your multilevel concrete structure and foundation system. When working with ADAPT-Edge and MAT together, all reactions from the gravity and lateral analysis of the concrete superstructure are automatically applied to the ground level columns and walls, saving time and reducing the need for unnecessary data entry.

ADAPT-MAT's greatest benefit is the flexibility and accuracy it offers without compromising speed and ease of modeling. Used together with ADAPT-Edge, it delivers even greater value by offering a completely integrated modeling, analysis and design solution for multilevel concrete structures.



-Structural Modeling

  • Generates a true 3D solid physical model of an entire foundation system or complete concrete building
    • No simplification of geometry or manual creation of analytic model required
    • Uses smart components to assemble an entire foundation system: mat (raft) slab regions, grade beams, spread footings, piles, pile caps, walls, beams, columns, rebar, tendons and openings
    • Models steps above and below the slab as well as any type of slab depression
  • Streamline modeling process by importing DWG/DXF files and intelligently converting to structural components
  • One-click switches between single- and multi-level modeling modes
  • Coordinated multi-level modeling saves time and reduces errors when taking down loads
  • Foundation and building models for a project can be in one model file
  • Flexible definition of component releases and boundary conditions
  • Handles complex models with ease and accuracy
  • Foundation elements can be supported by soil springs, discrete springs, line springs, point supports or line supports
  • Model can have regions with different soil characteristics
  • Define tension and compression or compression only soil behavior
  • View and examine 3D rendered solid model to verify the accuracy of the structure's representation


  • Apply loads of any configuration, anywhere on the foundation elements
  • Supports live load patterning and automatically reduced live loads, where applicable
  • When used with Edge, building gravity and lateral loads are automatically applied to ground floor columns and walls

-Post-Tensioning and Prestressing

  • Uses integrated tendon modeling as opposed to "balanced loading". This overcomes many of the approximations and shortcomings inherent in the conventional modeling of post-tensioning. Ask ADAPT to email you a technical note on its modeling approach [Aalami, Bijan, O "Structural Modeling of Post-Tensioned Members." American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Journal, February 2000, pp. 157-162]
  • Model bonded or unbonded tendons
  • Design using effective force or specify stressing ends and friction loss parameters
  • Calculates prestressing force in members as well as secondary restraining effects (hyperstatic moments) due to prestressing
  • Tendon generation wizards for banded and distributed tendons
  • Automatically or manually model and dynamically edit tendons in plan or elevation
  • Tendon curvature check against a minimum radius of curvature
  • Automated tendon clash detection
  • Program calculates and graphically shows force along tendon

-Analysis Capabilities

  • Industry leading automated 3D finite element meshing algorithm
  • Performs a detailed finite element analysis of the entire foundation systems and any structural elements connected to foundation
  • Includes stiffness of ground floor structural elements like columns and walls in analysis
  • When analyzed with Edge, complete stiffness of multilevel structure included in analysis
  • Smart components automatically establish required FEM connectivity, eliminating need for manual fine-tuning of analysis model
  • When used with Edge, multistory building models generated in MAT can be analyzed for gravity and lateral loads

-Design and Automatic Code Checks

  • Easily define support lines - even for complex geometries
    • Support line wizard
    • Automatically generates all critical design sections
    • Column strip / middle strip option
  • Performs code check and reports the location and amount of reinforcement needed for entire floor system
  • Define arbitrary manual design sections - software calculates actions, required rebar and moment capacity
  • Provides instant graphical design feedback in model by displaying:
    • Stresses - top and bottom against code allowable values
    • Design actions along support lines
    • Average precompression
    • Percent dead load balance
    • Deflection along support line showing L/Def values per span
  • Wood-Armer design option
  • Calculates punching shear stresses, performs checks, and specifies stirrup or stud rail reinforcement needed
  • Designs and specifies one-way shear reinforcement for grade beams
  • Reinforcement display per load combination, either along support lines or with user-defined orientation  
  • Edit graphical rebar layout report to optimize rebar layout
  • When used with Edge, automatically combines gravity analysis results carried out at foundation level with lateral load solution obtained at building level


ADAPT Company
Desktop - Windows XP, Desktop - Linux, Desktop - Windows Vista


2D Reinforced post-tensioned foundation system Finite Element Analysis design
