Deep Excavations Software

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Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
By Individual Software

ADONIS is Free Finite Element Software for Geo-Engineers. The goal of the ADONIS development is to improve the modeling and computational simulation in geotechnical engineering. ADONIS is an easy-to-use yet powerful geotechnical-engineering tool for...

By Midas IT

GTS NX is finite element analysis software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil and rock deformation and stability, as well as groundwater flow, dynamic vibrations and soil-structure interaction in 2D and 3D.GTS NX is used for analysis, testing...

By Restrained Earth LLC

RE Shoring Wall is state-of-the-art software for designing shoring systems using current industry standards and methods. Shoring Design, Lagging Design, and Lateral Soil Pressure Analysis tools are combined into one powerful, user-friendly applicatio...

By Fine Software

GEO5 is an intuitive software suite providing a solution for the majority of geological & geotechnical tasks. From geological site investigation, subbase model creation up to a wide range of analyses such as slope stability, deep excavation, and...

By Fine Software

This program is used to analyze a pile group (pile raft foundation with a rigid pile cap) using both spring method (FEM), or analytical solutions. Both floating piles and piles fixed into subsoil can be considered. The main features of GEO5 Pile Gro...


DIANA (Displacement Analyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package with dedicated features for geotechnical engineering.  The program provides a wide range of state-of-the-art constitutive models for tackling soil a...

By Rocscience Inc.

UnWedge is a 3D stability analysis and visualization program for underground excavations in rock containing intersecting structural discontinuities. Safety factors are calculated for potentially unstable wedges and support requirements can be modele...



By Rocscience Inc.

EX3 (formerly Examine3D) is the newly revamped stress analysis software for quickly analyzing large, complex 3D underground models. EX3 uses the Boundary Element Method (BEM) – an efficient approach to elastic stress analysis that requires simpler d...

By Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company

Combine geometries and analyses in a single project  GeoStudio enables you to combine analyses using different products into a single modeling project, using the results from one as the starting point for another. Multiple geometries, including...

By Fine Software

This program is used to analyze spatial earth pressures on the circular shaft and determination of internal forces on the structure. The main features of GEO5 Shaft program are: allows more economical design of shaft and thereby decrease costs cal...

By Rocscience Inc.

RocSupport is an easy-to-use software tool for estimating deformation in circular or near circular excavations in weak rock and visualization of the tunnel interaction with various support systems. Given the tunnel radius, in-situ stress conditions,...

By Deep Excavation LLC

TRENCH  2019 is a user friendly, affordable, and versatile software program that evaluates the stability of slurry supported trenches and panels for 2D and 3D analyses. With TRENCH analyze n a few minutes what would take hours to do by hand. Trench 2...

By Deep Excavation LLC

SiteMaster is a modern and powerful software program for processing and presenting inclinometer readings. SiteMaster can handle an unlimited number of sites and an unlimited number of inclinometers. The program is very easy to use and includes all st...

By GeoStru Software

Sheet walls are relatively thin, vertical structures, embedded in terrain to a depth sufficient to support an uphill embankment/downhill excavation thrust, including water and surcharges.This type of structure can be constructed of driven prefabricat...

By Deep Excavation LLC

DeepEX is an innovative, easy to use, software program for deep excavations, developed by experts for engineers like you.  It solves both geotechnical and structural designs for many wall types that include soldier pile walls, sheet pile walls, and d...