Structural Analysis Software

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Showing 1 to 15 of 115 entries

Linpro 2.7.5 is a simple application for static and dynamic analysis of plane frames. Static analysis: Program supports different types of loads and is very flexible at creating structure. It has almost everything you need for linear static...


In many ways, MASTAN2 is similar to today's commercially available structural analysis software in functionality. The number of pre- and post-processing options, however, have been limited in order to minimize the amount of time needed for a user...


Free softwares for Moment Distribution, 2 Dimensional or Plane Truss, 3 Dimensional or Plane Truss, Continuous Beams, Grids / Grillages,  2 Dimensional or Plane Frames, Fixed End Moment Evaluator and Rectangular Beam Design t...


Frame3DD is free open-source software for static and dynamic structural analysis of 2D and 3D frames and trusses with elastic and geometric stiffness. It computes the static deflections, reactions, internal element forces, natural frequencies, mode s...


RFEM is a powerful 3D FEA program helping structural engineers to meet requirements in modern civil engineering. Intuitive handling, user friendliness and efficient data input make working with RFEM easy. The RFEM program family is based on a modula...


Spreadsheet Template for Structural Engineering (FEA Analysis for beams, trusses, 2D-frames). It makes possible to create your own parametric models.Templates for engineering calculation (fatigue, concrete plates, etc) User Functions for getting r...


Scia Engineer is an integra​ted, multi-material platform for the structural analysis and design of all kinds of projects. It can be used for design of steel, concrete, timber, aluminium, and steel-concrete composite structures with worldwide...


RCBlast is an integrated software tool to perform single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) dynamic analysis of blast loaded structures


Using the AutoFEM Buckling Analysis module, mechanical engineers and construction experts who work in the AutoCAD medium are able to carry out calculations of the mechanical stability of the structure. The essence of the stability computation is as f...


Open source spreadsheet for plane frames, beams and trusses calculation.


ENERCALC provides one software package named the Structural Engineering Library. That name has been continually in use by ENERCALC since 1983 when we released our first set of 26 Lotus 1-2-3 templates. Although it goes by one name, the Structural...


The AutoFEM Fatigue Analysis module is used in conjunction with AutoFEM Static Analysis and allows one to evaluate the strength of a structure, which is subjected to cyclic loading. This type of loading is usual in mechanical and structural engineeri...


The innovative and revolutionary new ETABS 2013 is the ultimate integrated software package for the structural analysis and design of buildings. Incorporating 40 years of continuous research and development, this latest ETABS offers unmatched 3D obje...


GBW32 V5.0 is the update to GBW32 v4.0. GBW32 V5.0 is a 32 bit Windows 3D Finite Element program that uses standard third order beam and truss elements to model a wide range of Civil and Mechanical structures. The graphical user interface is powerful...


Cross Section Analysis & Design is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of cross section calculations, including the design of reinforced concrete sections (rebar calculator). The given cross sections can be simple or complex...