General purpose analysis and design of just about anything.
You have choices in the marketplace for general-purpose FEA tools but VisualAnalysis shines in a number of areas:
- Excellent for everyday projects.
- Great for unusual projects, and large, complicated models.
- Three feature and price levels available.
- Building-code support is optional, use it for mechanical applications too.
- Extremely versatile: model just about anything!
- Reporting is extremely powerful and very flexible (save your own styles)
- So easy to use, most customers are productive within hours of installing
- Over 3000 companies use IES tools: one part-time support person at IES! (Think about it, our products don't need support!)
- BIM support: VARevitLink provides two-way integration with Autodesk Revit Structure.
- Frames, Trusses, Grids, Beams, Tanks...
- Beam or Truss Members, Plate/Shell Elements
- Elastic Spring Supports
- Auto-meshed Areas (for easy wall or slab modeling)**
- Tension-only/Compression-only members or spring-supports
- Cartesian, Polar, Cylindrical or Spherical Coordinates
- No built-in size limit (20,000+ nodes are practical)
- Typical Manufactured Shapes: Steel, Wood, Aluminum, Cold-formed
- Parametric, Custom or Shapes imported from ShapeBuilder
- Just about any Material, Libraries included, Customizable!
- CAD-style selection box
- Generate linear copies
- Simple, Rigid, Semi-Rigid** Connections
- Catenary Cable Elements**
- Many Ways to Construct Models:
- Sketch models graphically
- Copy & Paste existing objects
- Import/Export .DXF files
- Import from Spreadsheet/Clipboard
- Legacy or Interchange .STD files (basic model & loading)
- Customizable parametric generation